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We Have A Lot In Common, You And I 

I know what it's like to bring a pet into your life. 

More, I've experienced first-hand the close bonds we form with them. My most precious love is a barn-born cat called Madeline, a ball of fur and fleas no bigger than the palm of my hand when she came into my life. I remember the first time I saw her, how it felt when I looked into her eyes. I was hooked heart and soul. 

Hugging Birman Cat

​​​​​For me, my moments and memories with Maddie are priceless. She is the spark of creativity and the genesis of my inspiration for my endeavors that has become a story of a thousand lifetimes, of pets and the people that love them.

My Story

Let me tell you about...

Raven with Portrait 3.jpeg

That’s how it starts.


Let me tell you about Sam or Jake, Raven, Mookie or Maddie.


My story is really a story of a thousand lifetimes, of pets and the people that love them.


I never planned to be a pet portrait artist, it happened quite by chance. I always had pets along life’s path and sketched them on an off for years. Then it happened.


A good friend was over one day and happened to step into the studio. Several sketches of Sam, my big red tabby, lay on the drawing board.


“These are great!” she cried, “Let me tell you about Raven”.


We sat for 20 minutes as she related her story of the life and love she had grown up with - Raven her dog. When we reached the end, she sat quietly. A tear crossed her check.


“Will you draw Raven for me?” she asked in a whisper, tears flowing freely now.


I did.


When I presented the portrait I was deeply touched and I knew then that telling stories, your stories, was what I was destined to do. Since then I have listened to a thousand stories and presented over 290 portraits to tears of joy, laughter and love.


I would consider it a privilege to hear your amazing story then craft a perfect portrait of your beloved companion for you. 

What Clients Say

Client dog Raven with pet portrait in background

Raven and Jennifer

"The portrait brought tears to my eyes. I absolutely love it. The more I look at it the more I fall in love with it. Thank you, Jim for bringing Raven back into my home. Thank you. Thank you."
Jennifer L., Cleveland OH

My Style
Soft, simple and sweet, like the love you share.

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Now, like you,  I have hundreds of photos of my precious pets on my phone, but I wanted something more. I wanted something that would hold a special place in my heart and home that I could connect with every day.  But what?


I found the perfect solution in an unexpected way.

I always had a desire to reach beyond the norm to create images that speak to you in a pure, simple natural way. A new approach, style or way of presenting an image. 


Well, that happened quite by accident.

I was experimenting with a new type of blender for paints and glazes. It wasn’t intended for pastel work, but it proved to be a game changer.


Patrons, clients and pet lovers who saw the early works felt  the portrait’s soft, simple style was more romantic, more nostalgic, offering a greater sense of story, character and connection with their pets. 


Many described it as a more moving, meaningful, memorable style unlike any they experienced before.

This new style is not about the traditional photo-realistic or minimalist approach in pet portraits you see today.


It’s more about creating an original, personal image that is imaginative, expressive, compelling and emotional; with a strong emphasis on telling the story of your relationship with and connection to your pet.    

“Soft Style” is perhaps the best way to describe my style. It involves blending edges to create a softer, more dramatic, more emotional image.

Now my work may not appeal to everyone, but for sentimental souls who crave something more than a quick click, a funny filter, and a short scroll, a hand-crafted portrait is an enduring tangible testament to love and so much more than pixels on a page. 

In a world driven by mass production and digital technology, my work stands out for the uniqueness and authenticity that comes with art lovingly crafted with my own own hands.

I invite you to explore the gallery, ask questions and decide if a “soft look” style is right for you.


​I would consider it an honor to craft the love  of your life in this unique style you will be proud to own, display and pass on to future generations.​​

What Clients Say

Client dog Raven with pet portrait in background

Raven and Jennifer

"The portrait brought tears to my eyes. I absolutely love it. The more I look at it the more I fall in love with it. Thank you, Jim for bringing Raven back into my home. Thank you. Thank you."
Jennifer L., Cleveland OH

My Service
Giving back to help animals in need.

Shy Belle.jpg

My family taught me early on what it means to give back. It is who I am, what I believe, and what I do.


​What started as a hobby quickly became an avenue for so much more.


When I moved from hobbyist to a pet portrait professional, I decided to donate my time and money to help animals in need. Little did I know the heartache and ecstasy it would bring.

We had always adopted our beautiful pets from shelters (Belle above) and rescue organizations, but little did I know the extent of the need for adoption. Over 7.6 million animals enter shelters each year, about 4.1 million find forever homes through adoption.

It became my mission to bring hope to the homeless by connecting people with potential pets through  my Finding Forever Homes Imitative: and, to honor canines who have served or given the ultimate in the line of duty through my Valor Project.

I  also seek opportunities to advocate for the needs and welfare of animals through my art, advocacy and personal involvement with organizations and individuals that focus on the well-being of animals.


Some of the organizations I support include: The Cleveland Animal Protective League (APL), Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter.

I invite you to do what you can too. Please adopt, foster or donate, it doesn’t take much to make a difference. 

Behind the scenes

where the magic happens.


Many of you have asked  to go "behind the scenes" for a look at where magic really happens, so I thought a little featurette might be in order.

From inspirations to sketchbooks to the studio tour to sharing my experience of starting a part-time art business - all that and more can be found below with more in the Blog. 

Black and white wide angel shot of artist's studio

The Studio

It's been ten years in the making and now I am so excited to share my new studio with you. Come on in.


There is one thing I would like you to know about me – I am incredibly dedicated to crafting the absolute best portrait for your precious pet.


In addition I've made getting your portrait easy, everything is simple starting with ordering through progress reviews to final approval, even free shipping and delivery.

Won't you please consider working with me?

Ragdoll cat in profile looking up

Time passes quickly

don't let your moments, memories and feelings slip away.

​If you're ready for a different kind of portrait, one that's as soft, simple and as sweet as the love you share and offers you an exclusive look, better price, money-back guarantee, free shipping, professional mounting and matting, premium gift box, and an opportunity to help other animals in need.

Then, let's work together to honor a life so richly lived and lovingly shared.

Won't you take that first step now?

Not quite ready yet. Then stay connected.

Blog, social media, etc. 


Many of you have asked  to go "behind the scenes" for a look at where magic really happens, so I thought a little featurette might be in order.

From inspirations to sketchbooks to the studio tour to sharing my experience of starting a part-time art business - all that and more can be found below with more in the Blog. 

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